Mr. Fred Mueller, chess club sponsor, ran elections for next year's officers. For 2013-2014, officers will be President: Alex Elizalde. Vice President: Shawn Joss. Secretary: William Root. Treasurer: Vanessa Jimenez.

Dr. Alexey Root appointed instructional leaders (William, Luis, Alex) and their teams for next week's visit by Newton Rayzor elementary school chess club.

Within each room, the leader and an additional 3-4 Denton HS students will arrange two (or four) Newton Rayzor students around one (or two) chessboards. If there are 5 high school students in each room, then the 10 Newton Rayzor students will be in pairs. If less DHS students per room, then there will be some groups of 4 among the Newton Rayzor students. The DHS students will rotate to each Newton Rayzor pair (or group of four). Each Denton HS student will teach a chess topic to the seated Newton Rayzor students then rotate on to teach that same topic to another group. The 10 Newton Rayzor students stay in the same room for the entire visit, as the same topics will be taught in each room. 

The required topics (one per DHS student; each Denton HS student specializes) for each room are:
The two-rook checkmate (King and 2 rooks against K checkmate)
The one-queen checkmate (King and Queen against King checkmate)
How to defend against the Scholar's Mate (also known as the four-move checkmate)
The instructional leader (assuming he has more than 2 assistants) will assign HIS CHOICE of topics. 
So let's say there are 5 DHS students in a room.
DHS student #1 teaches the two-rook checkmate, giving the Newton Rayzor students time to practice it against each other
DHS student #2 teaches the one-queen checkmate, giving the Newton Rayzor students time to practice it against each other
DHS student #3 How to defend against the Scholar's Mate, giving the Newton Rayzor students time to ask questions
DHS student #4 teaches Leader's Choice topic A
DHS student #5 teaches Leader's Choice topic BThe "leader" must be one of the 5 students, of course. 
After 10 minutes, the students rotate within their classroom to a new seated group of Newton Rayzor students. The Newton Rayzor students don't move; the DHS students (with their different topics) come to them within each classroom.

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