Dr. Root had the following on the dry erase board today for Denton High School chess club students.

Notate your answers for 1-3 and play out Task A and/or Task B.

1)Using a black king and a white queen, create 8 positions where Black (to move) is stalemated.

2)Using a black king [not on any of the same squares as in 1)], white queen, and white king, create 6 positions where Black (to move) is stalemated.

3)Using a black king, white king, and white queen, create 10 positions where Black (to move) is checkmated.

Task A: White K on a1, Q on h1; Black K on e5. White to play and checkmate.

Task B: Black pawn on the second rank (vary the file), black king on first rank (in front of black pawn); White K on g5, White Q on g8. White to move and draw or win, depending on what file the black pawn is on.

Most students completed everything (1, 2, and 3) plus Task A. One group did 1, 2, 3, Task A, and Task B.

Dr. Root reminded students of the Region 2 tournament on February 2 and the match against the University of North Texas chess club on February 16.