Dr. Alexey Root taught a Chess merit badge workshop and ran a tournament from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (12-12:30 p.m. lunch break) at the National Scouting Museum. Thirteen Scouts attended. One Scoutmaster adult participated so that the day had an even number.  Requirements were covered but only 10 of the 13 Scouts were able to complete their badge on August 27.

The hardest requirements were 5a (explaining four elements of strategy), 5b (explaining five tactics), and 5d (solving five direct-mate problems, which in this case were checkmate-in-one-move problems). The two rook checkmate (5c) was also challenging for some Scouts initially but with repeated instruction and practice everyone did the two-rook checkmate successfully one time before the day's end. Dr. Root used ideas from her book Prepare With Chess Strategy to teach the Scouts.