Simul Article on Chessbase
Dr. Alexey Root wrote an article for ChessBase News on simultaneous chess exhibitions (simuls).
Dr. Alexey Root wrote an article for ChessBase News on simultaneous chess exhibitions (simuls).
Dr. Alexey Root gave a simultaneous exhibition (a "simul") at the Denton Public Library, North Branch, Saturday at 2 p.m. Ten players initially faced Dr. Root. After some lost, a total of 18 players participated. Dr. Root won 20 games, as two players played (and lost) twice. She had no draws and no losses.
Dr. Alexey Root taught at the Coppell Gifted Association’s MOSAIC from July 25-29, 2016. She had four students from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and a different four students from 10:30 a.m. to noon. All students were entering grades 4-8 this fall, which means that the age range was roughly nine years old to thirteen years old.
Dr. Alexey Root taught the older and more chess-experienced campers July 18-22 at Greenhill School. Class size varied from five to eight campers as some campers had trips or other events scheduled during the week. Here is an outline of her plans for the week.
Dr. Root taught six chess campers, ages 6-9 years old, who were beginners at chess, from July 11-15 at Greenhill School. Two campers had no prior knowledge of chess, and two others had a shaky knowledge, for example moving rooks like knights sometimes. Here are her outlines for each camp day.
Dr. Alexey Root’s interview of Grandmaster Keith Arkell was published today, June 30, 2016, on ChessBase. Also today, her interview of Grandmaster Matthew Sadler and Woman International Master Natasha Regan (authors of Chess for Life) was published in the July issue of Chess Life magazine (available online today for subscribers).
Dr. Alexey Root taught at the Coppell Gifted Association’s MOSAIC from June 6-10, 2016. She had eight students from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and a different 10 students from 10:30 a.m. to noon. All students were entering grades 4-8 this fall, which means that the age range was roughly nine years old to thirteen years old.
Chess.com published my interview with Grandmaster Sergey Shipov about Chess and Pets.
Dr. Alexey Root’s first story for ChessBase, an international chess Web site, was published April 5, 2016. The story was part one of a two-part interview of author Grandmaster Daniel Gormally. The second part was published April 12, 2016.
Dr. Alexey Root’s first story for ChessBase, an international chess Web site, was published April 5, 2016. The story was part one of a two-part interview of author Grandmaster Daniel Gormally. The second part will be published soon.
In the fall of 2011, Victor Francisco Lopez took Dr. Alexey Root’s course ED 4358 from his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Victor kept in touch with Dr. Root. Recently, he informed Dr. Root that he has been recognized by the White House "Champions of Change" program. Congrats to Victor and his Learners Chess Academy on this honor.
Dr. Alexey Root’s article about the 10-year chess rivalry between The University of Texas at Dallas and the University of Belgrade, first published in the January 2016 issue of Chess Life magazine, is posted as a PDF on the UT Dallas Chess Program Web site.